Five-Spot Burnet

    Zygaena trifolii

    ZygaenidaeABH 54.01 B&F 170

    Needs considerable care to separate from Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet, which is probably the commoner of the two species in the county.  Two subspecies, both declining, very local and habitat-specific, palustrella flying in early summer on calcareous sites, especially in the Mendips and northwards, and decreta in late summer on mires and bogs in upland western Somerset, such as at Winsford Hill and Yarty Moor.

    Adult Verification Grade: 3

    Five-Spot Burnet (Zygaena trifolii) photographed in Somerset by John Connolly
    Five-Spot Burnet (Zygaena trifolii) photographed in Somerset by Christopher Iles
    Five-Spot Burnet (Zygaena trifolii) photographed in Somerset by Christopher Iles