Grey Shoulder-knot

    Lithophane ornitopus

    NoctuidaeABH 73.202 B&F 2237

    Widespread, although rarely abundant.  The larval foodplant is oak, and understandably it is much commoner in the oak-rich south and west of the county, and also along parts of the Wiltshire border.

    Adult Verification Grade: 1

    Grey Shoulder-knot (Lithophane ornitopus) photographed in Somerset by Rob Grimmond
    Grey Shoulder-knot (Lithophane ornitopus) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Grey Shoulder-knot (Lithophane ornitopus) photographed in Somerset by Christopher Iles
    Grey Shoulder-knot (Lithophane ornitopus) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Grey Shoulder-knot (Lithophane ornitopus) photographed in Somerset by Christopher Iles
    Grey Shoulder-knot (Lithophane ornitopus) photographed in Somerset by Christopher Iles
    Grey Shoulder-knot (Lithophane ornitopus) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Grey Shoulder-knot (Lithophane ornitopus) photographed in Somerset by Christopher Iles