Coleophora serratella

    Common Case-bearer

    ColeophoridaeABH 37.015 B&F 493

    Probably the commonest of our coleophorids, recorded from almost all parts of the county, occasionally at light but most often as a larval case.  The foodplant is usually birch, but it has also been recorded in the county from hazel, elm, alder and once on hawthorn.

    Adult Verification Grade: 4

    Case Verification Grade: C2

    Common Case-bearer (Coleophora serratella) photographed in Somerset by Jenny Vickers
    Common Case-bearer (Coleophora serratella) photographed in Somerset by Paul Wilkins
    Common Case-bearer (Coleophora serratella) photographed in Somerset by Jenny Vickers
    Common Case-bearer (Coleophora serratella) photographed in Somerset by Jenny Vickers
    Common Case-bearer (Coleophora serratella) photographed in Somerset by Christopher Iles