Light Feathered Rustic

    Agrotis cinerea

    NoctuidaeABH 73.316 B&F 2084

    Still recorded occasionally where areas of rocky, semi-natural grassland persist, though not as widespread as it once was.  It may be under-recorded, as it flies relatively early in the year (May and early June) when its habitat is not usually trapped, and it appears to only rarely wander into gardens.

    Adult Verification Grade: 1

    Light Feathered Rustic (Agrotis cinerea) photographed in Somerset by Nigel Voaden
    Light Feathered Rustic (Agrotis cinerea) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Light Feathered Rustic (Agrotis cinerea) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Light Feathered Rustic (Agrotis cinerea) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Light Feathered Rustic (Agrotis cinerea) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies