Adaina microdactyla

    Hemp Agrimony Plume

    PterophoridaeABH 45.043 B&F 1517

    Fairly common and widespread, though restricted by the distribution of its foodplant, the calcicole hemp-agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum.  Occasional at light but more often recorded by the gall made in the foodplant by the larvae.

    Adult Verification Grade: 2

    Hemp-agrimony Plume (Adaina microdactyla) photographed in Somerset by Jenny Vickers
    Hemp-agrimony Plume (Adaina microdactyla) photographed in Somerset by Christopher Iles
    Hemp-agrimony Plume (Adaina microdactyla) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Hemp-agrimony Plume (Adaina microdactyla) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies